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Axel LeijonhufvudEmeritus ProfessorDepartment of EconomicsUCLA |
Axel Leijonhufvud was born on
September 6, 1933 in Stockholm, Sweden. After a brief stint as a seaman
and serving in the Swedish army, he received his B.A. from Lund
University in 1960. He then came to the US where he received his M.A.
from the University of Pittsburgh, and his Ph.D. from Northwestern
University. He came to UCLA in 1964 and taught there for 30 years when
he moved to the University of Trento in Italy.
I met Axel as an undergraduate student in 1975. These are a few of my memories of him.
Leijonhufvud was a gentleman and a scholar. As an undergraduate at UCLA
my first class in macroeconomics was from Axel and I later had the
pleasure of knowing him as a colleague and a friend.
Axel well understood that what we do as economists is less to create
ideas than to advance ideas and beginning with his monumental work Keynesian Economics and the Economics of
Keynes he looked towards the past as a guide to the future. One
might think from his interest in the history of thought and his
reservations about formal methods that he was a stuck-in-the-mud
traditionalist. Nothing could be further from the truth: Axel was
extremely broad-minded and supported good research regardless of whether
it was "macro" or "micro" and whether it was the type of pure theory I
did early in my career or whether it was careful empirical work.
Because of his broad interest in economics Axel was an outstanding
graduate student supervisor and mentored and mentored well an enormous
number of graduate students over his career. An anecdote makes this
point. The first graduate student I helped to supervise was as a young
assistant professor at UCLA. This student had been attracted to UCLA to
work with Axel Leijonhufvud. His interest was in political economy, a
topic neither Axel nor I specialized in. As his work in political
economy was game theoretic in nature Axel quickly sent him to me with
the suggestion that he take me on as a co-supervisor. I wish I could say
that either Axel or I was responsible for the work done by this
particular student: in fact we would meet on the occasion of a completed
paper which we would read with awe and perhaps make a few expositional
suggestions. Axel and I understood the work well enough to write good
letters and help place this particular student in his first job at
Stanford: I imagine if you are an economist you are familiar with the
work of Guido Tabellini. Insofar as his supervisors deserve some credit
I would say that Axel and my first collaboration was a fruitful one.
A second example of Axel's broad approach to economics was in his
faculty recruiting when he was department chair. The "Minnesota North
Stars" scheme was to hire more or less the entire macroeconomic faculty
from the University of Minnesota to UCLA. It was not to be, but the
connections we forged during this effort paid off in the long run. It
was the start of a successful effort to build UCLA macroeconomics and
led to the hiring of such notable faculty as Gary Hansen, Michele
Boldrin, Roger Farmer, Lee Ohanian, Andy Atkeson and Hugo Hopenhayn.
As Axel was a profound intellectual influence on me, let me wrap up with
the lessons he taught me. A key idea developed by Axel was that of the
Keynesian corridor. This postulates that with respect to moderate shocks
a modern economy behaves as linear quadratic models of rational
expectations and modest frictions suggest it should. However: with
respect to bigger shocks - those that led up to the great depression,
the oil shock of the 1970s, or the financial shock of 2008 - things
break, and the economy does not recover so easily or rapidly. That is a
profound idea and one I fear is true, but Axel had a very specific and
important idea about what it is in an economy that breaks when it is
subject to too much stress. He observed that modern economies have long
chains - he spoke of credit chains, but we might equally well think of
supply chains. The problem is that these chains are fragile - break one
link and the chain no longer functions. A big shock by breaking too many
of these chains leads to a situation where the economy has trouble
repairing itself. This too is a profound idea and one that I fear is
When I say Axel was a gentleman I mean he was exemplary. Whether at UCLA
where we were colleagues for decades or at Trento where I saw him from
time to time I shall miss him.