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Respond to the question: Game Theory in the Airline industry?

03/28/2001 10:05 PM by Rodrigo; Game theory and airline industry
Hi, Nikki, there is a paper by Oliver RICHARD and Olivier ARMANTIER: "Exchange of cost information in the airline industry". In this paper they analyze exchanges of cost information in an oligopoly model for the airline industry with entry and incomplete information on marginal costs, and they develop an algorithm to solve for the Nash Equilibrium. This paper is available online at:
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If you have problems downloading it, let me know. I save it as a pdf file and will keep it for a while. If you need, I could e-mail it to you.
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03/21/2001 08:32 AM by Brandon;
Hi! 1) 'Mumbo jumbo, super jumbo' The Economist, 12 Jun 1993, 98 2) 'Plane wars' The Economist, 11 Jun 1994, 83 3) 'the flying monopolists' The Economist, 19 Jun 1993, 18 4) Third Pakage and Noncooperative Collusion in the European [View full text and thread]

03/21/2001 02:04 AM by Nikki; Game Theory in the Airline industry
Do you have any suggestions for where I may find information regarding to game theory in the airline industry? Thank you [View full text and thread]