Red Hat 7 Notes:
Procedure to set up on internet with some
degree of safety:
- unplug ethernet cable
- install the os as a gnome or kde workstation
- configure the x-server to the correct resolution
during setup
- make sure that nothing dangerous is running
- get superuser status by using the su command
- use ps -A to see what processes are running and their
- kill sendmail using kill psid
- that should be the only dangerous program
- make a copy of the ps executable and put it in a different directory
and give it a different name
- create a subdirectory of home directory for
- plug in the ethernet cable
- to doublecheck that no dangerous programs
are running to go to and use
the port scanner
- the only port that should be open is the
IDENT port; this does not pose a security
- download server software
- xinetd
- apache
- openssh
- mysql
- php
- tripwire
- download security patches for everything
- unplug the ethernet cable
- install the servers
- uninstall
- at 3
- inews2 (trn too)
- telnet (probably not installed)
- delete the /etc/hosts.equiv (probably does
not exist)
- files which should be owned by root and with
permissions set to 600
- /etc/hosts.lpd (probably does not exist)
suid audit using find / -type f -perm +6000 -ls; remove the suid bit with chmod u-s file_path
- run tripwire to create the initial "snapshot"
of your system (basically signatures of all
the files including the binaries) tripwire scripts and configuration advice
- plug in the ethernet cable
- stuff for later
- assign /bin/false to all non-user accounts
- set up httpd sensibly: disable symbolic links,
server side includes, indices (directory
- restrict cron to administrative accounts
Reading List:
Bastille Linux walkthrough
Security Checklist
- ~ home directory
- <tab> file name completion
- & at the end of a command runs it in the background
- pwd show current directory
- mkdir
- cd
- ls list files -al detailed listing
- rm delete file
- cp copy file
- mv move file
- less filename display contents
- man command help with the command
- su become superuser
- ps -A show all processes running
- jobs list of job numbers rather than psids
- kill psid shut down the process
- kill psid -HUP signal process to restart
- kill -9 psid make it dead
- kill %job_number this works for suspended jobs; killing the
psid does not
- fg/bg [%job_number] put in foreground or background
- pico filename edit
- grep -i string filenames case insensitive line listing
- chkconfig runlevel service listings
- alias newname='long command line'
- mount -t smbfs -o username=un,password=pa,workgroup=wg //ipaddress/share /directoryname
- note that a mount point must be an existing
directory that is empty
- locate filename find it whereis appears to do the same
- ln filename linkname create a hard link -s if you want a symbolic link
- chmod chown chgrp change mode, owner, group
- du -ks directory_name total size of files in and below directory
- df free disk space
- fdisk -l partition information
- dig url get dns information about the url
Random Stuff
- the system logs are in /var/log and can be
viewed as su using pico; the message log
seems to be the most useful one
- gedit occasionally fails to save without
any user notification
- in mozilla/netscape clicking on a hyperlink
that is supposed to open in a new frame (target="_blank")
causes it to load the page twice which can
cause problems with scripts
- serial commands: setserial; stty; wvdialconf
- running serial commands against non-existent
serial ports appears to be able to crash
the system
- logging out under adverse circumstances appears
to lead to a silly screen with some dots
and an x for the mouse and no keyboard
allowed or way to escape...
- segmentation faults are bad; maybe even real
- you probably need to install the kernel source
before compiling any kernel drivers
- there is no decent way to view files as superuser
under gnome without actually logging into
gnome as superuser in the first place;
particular, doing su, then launching gmc
(gnome midnight commander) does not work
- booting up after failing to close down cleanly
takes a really long time
- linuxconf is more likely to cause a system
crash than to successfully reconfigure the
system; it is useful for viewing system settings